HVAC System Buying Guide

The Houston Trane HVAC System Buying Guide
Owning or managing a business gets more complicated with every passing year. Human resources, budgetary details, and long-term planning get piled on top of the expertise needed to do the main business tasks. There is little time or energy to focus on maintaining building systems with a high level of proficiency. For large facilities, it is necessary to depend on the technical skills of system experts.
However, it is wise to have enough information to participate in decision-making concerning the maintenance and replacement of essential equipment, such as heating and air conditioning systems (HVAC). As one would expect, the complexity of HVAC systems increases with the size and use of the facility.
The application of HVAC principles can also be achieved in a variety of methods. But the principles of cooling are the same, whether in a small refrigerator or a large office building. So, what are these principles?
- Heat always moves toward cold. If an ice cube is placed in an 800 room, the cube melts. The same ice cube melts in a room at 400. It just melts slower. The ice does not begin to refreeze until its surroundings drop below 320. Heat moves toward coolness at every chance.
- Air conditioning equipment uses this principle to move the heat inside a space to the outside of the space. A specially designed refrigerant gas is compressed in a closed tube network, then suddenly released, knowing the release creates intense cold. Circulating hot air (or water) is brought into contact with the cold tubes, and the heat moves from the air to the tubes. The gas is pushed to another coil network outdoors, and the heat is released.
- As the hot air meets the cold tubes, moisture in the air condenses on the network and drains away.
Cooling is accomplished in large spaces and small using the same principles.
Two things are necessary for the principle to work.
- The quantity of refrigerant gas determines how cool the tubing gets and, therefore, keeps the indoor air cool.
- Dirt, dust, and debris tend to collect on every part of the system and create barriers to the transfer of heat
Keep these HVAC System Buying Guide tips in mind when HVAC technicians speak about maintenance tasks.
Ductless Split Systems. Small, disconnected spaces might use a mini-split ductless air conditioning system. One condenser unit does the gas compression/heat transfer, and insulated tubes carry the cool gas to single-room air handlers. This is a very versatile method of cooling small spaces.
Packaged Units. Packaged units resemble the central air conditioning systems found in single-home residents. Like their residential cousins, these systems have outdoor condenser units and indoor air handling units. They come in a variety of sizes.
Rooftop Units. For larger spaces, rooftop units are upscaled package units. To accommodate larger spaces, larger pieces of equipment are installed on flat roofs. These often necessitate room-sized air handlers and vast amounts of ductwork.
Water Chillers. Refrigerant gas in these systems cools water, and the cool water collects more heat than cool tubes will. These systems are most often used for very large open spaces.
Energy Efficiency Ratings
The Department of Energy conducts research and sets the Seasonal Energy Efficiency Rating (SEER). This gives the consumer an idea of energy use and the cost of running the system. The higher the SEER number, the higher the efficiency.
Your Trane factory-trained representative can provide further information without overwhelming you.
HVAC System Buying Guide
Houston Trane can connect you with a Trane contractor who can help you design an HVAC system that will fit your home and your family’s needs. To find a local Trane HVAC Repair technician, visit our Local Dealer search tool.